autism and it said I had a third of the symptoms for autism and therefore autism was likely. I also read on this site that if you have sza, like me, you are automatically autistic. So go figure.
I have sz but not ASD.
Autism becomes apparent from an early age and is a neurodevelopment disorder.
Sz only turns up in late adolescence in general. I think the same applies to sza.
So you can have 1 without the other and vice versa.
I have SZA and no autistic traits.
Well then whoever posted that on their thread was wrong.
I’ve taken a lot of online tests for autism I usually score like an 80% so I think I’m likely aspie. It’s not an official diagnosis but I can’t be bothered to get one. Too much for me rn. Maybe in the future.
Every single autism test I take online scores me inbetween neurotypical and autistic people.
I think these autism threads are going really sideways. Online tests are wildly inaccurate and very general. You need to go to a psychologist and get diagnosed. Too many people take online tests and diagnose themselves inaccurately. It is a serious disservice to those who have been accurately diagnosed by a professional.
I do think there are overlapping symptoms between ass and sza. So online tests are maybe not good. You need an expert for a correct diagnosis.
@anon21280033 What does “ass” stand for?
Ohhh sorry…that was Dutch. Autism spectrum “disorder” translates to autism spectrum stoornis in Dutch. And is often shortened to its first letters. Ass. It refers to the whole range of autism issues.
That word is not exactly the same in English. I was speaking Dutch.
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