Addicted to modern comforts

Could you drop everything and become a hunter gatherererer… i think the withdrawal would be poweroverwhelming… and most would give up…could you make it?

Nope, not a chance I could make it. I prefer a more modern life, with a car, computer, phone, etc.

I think I possibly could but if it came to that say due to a global meltdown, my worries would be about other people.


My voices would confuse me as I try to track down dinner by making false noises. However, I was not a bad shot at target practice with a bow and arrow in high school gym class. Not great either though.
Without my glasses, which are a modern invention (or at least I suppose they had primitive glasses in medieval times) I would be useless.

Yes, absolutely. I was taught all about it as a kid. I had to live it as an adult. I am useful when the world blacks out.

I even look forward to doing it on purpose.

Hold on, let me Google “how to be a proficient hunter-gatherer”. :smile:


Hunter gatherer tribes actually have a very high happiness/satisfaction rate compared to those of us living in modern society.

Maybe it’s because they only work a few days a week max, or that they know less about the horrible things going on in the world. Maybe because of the deep sense of togetherness and being a part of a tribe.

(Or because they don’t understand the concept of consumerism and the mass amount that we waste and fight over, as we are always slaving away to make money to buy the next newest thing (and throw out our old, perfectly fine things)

Either way, hunter gatherer tribes (generally) have no issues with murder, rape, theft, or any other shitty thing we may contribute to the ‘human disposition’.

Interesting, right?

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I am scared if I am alone, in the dark, by sudden noises, and probably shouldn’t have access to weapons for my own safety, so I probably wouldn’t make the best hunter/gatherer. I have always wanted to get into farming, though. I wouldn’t mind dropping the internet and television in favor of books, quilting, playing the guitar, etc. I could raise sheep, cattle, and chickens, and maybe have a horse or two. I’d definitely have dogs. I used to compete in obedience through the AKC, and I’d love to train herding dogs. They’d be a great help on my farm. Maybe my husband could do the hunting and gathering while I tend the farm. :slight_smile:

I’d get spooked that every sound like a twig snapping would be an threatening intruder from the modern world.

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Man I would love to do so,
Swear I was born to invent and live in the wild.


I’d never make it. I’m addicted to modern comforts. Although I survived alright in the field in a MASH unit in the Air Force for a month. That was very basic living indeed. It was even kind of fun.

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I’ve read the ‘Clan of the cavebear’ books a million times, soooo… I say I’d probably be able to survive in a tribal/caveman like setting if I belonged to a big enough tribe :stuck_out_tongue:

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