My dream is to go off and be a primitive

It was my desire as a child and it never really changed.


I’d like to be Tarzan, going back to West Africa to shed the thin veneer of civilization, swing thru the trees, ride on the elephant’s back, and break the lion’s neck, shrieking the victory cry of the bull ape.

But that’s for a guy.

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I really don’t know what you mean by “a primitive”, maybe you mean someone who lives in a natural setting? Getting back to the ancestral condition or something like that, foregoing technology and civilization? Maybe try going camping.

Bugger that!

I like my creature comforts. Television, internet at least a $2000 gaming pc!

I like beds, air conditioning, pets and luxury. I’m not into tents, peeing in the woods or native wildlife!

Enjoy the primitive! If I at least can’t live in a hobbit house when it all goes pear shaped I’m out anyways! :slight_smile:


Me too @PinCushion I love reading survival books and I even put a few things into practice. Next I want to start a fire caveman style. I’ve done the flint and stuff but now I want to upgrade. :slight_smile:

I’ve always either wanted to be a bum or bag lady, or be a hermit living in the middle of a forest in a cabin. I’ve had these dreams for a long time, since I was in my late 20’s. I’m kind of a hermit in a way now. Only living in the lap of luxury so, I can’t really call myself a true hermit.

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