Ad hoc hypothesis

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I think the origin of schizophrenia has a lot of ad hoc hypotheses backed by scientific jargon which just confuses people. In the army and in medical schools they teach KISS, keep it simple stupid. If a person can’t explain something that’s complex in simpler terms it illustrates that they really only know of the topic superficially.

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It makes me think of string theory. When the math doesn’t work, create a new dimension LOL.

My own conception of schizophrenia is that we are exposed to part of our subconscious mind, that others typically are not exposed to. This seems to come about as a result of trauma, a powerful enough experience to tare down the wall.

Does this make sense? Thoughts?

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My theory is similar. I do think there’s a spiritual and existential component to schizophrenia.

I don’t really care what godless psychiatry has to say about it.


Psychiatrist views have hurt me in the past. There is a whole new level of arrogance amongst the profession, at least in my experience

I do agree there is a spiritual component to it. I’m not always sure I’m on the right path though. It’s hard to tell where I’m at sometimes

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