Is schizophrenia a theory or a hypothesis?

If you think about it. They didn’t do much testing to diagnose you. The word schizophrenia is very vague and all of us suffers different symptoms. Is psychology really scientific or is it like a religion looking for a word to describe your wrong beliefs and thought pattern?

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The biological model of schizophrenia is certainly a joke. Ironically psychiatry is at its most scientific when not pretending to be scientific at least in the narrow reductive sense of the word.


The DSM-V (Diagnostic & Statistics Manual for Mental Disorders - Version 5) states that schizophrenia is a mental health disease. The same can be said of the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases Version 10).

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How exactly do you know how much testing they did to diagnose other people? As for me, they took an MRI of my brain to rule out other possibilities, for example.

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we are special imo

our brains and mind work slightly different

We are special in terms of requiring special care.

Our brains and mind work differently to our detriment. Homelessness, poverty and lack of self-care are the most common attributes of this disease.

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Yes the world needs to change

And it starts with us

I am transforming my suffering into healing

Which is key

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No schizophrenic either sane or insane can lead any country in the world to change for its betterment.

With me they did a catscan but it was normal. I know something is wrong though. I mean I find situations where I believe in ideas like ESP and that Satan is after me, but allot of people believe in that who doesn’t have a diagnosis. I started doing drugs after my diagnosis, the meds made me a zombie so I found uppers or stimulants to help me cope. I don’t know if the medicine works. I still get paranoid about Satan and esp.

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Our suffering is noted

from a higher sourse imo

he understands better

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Do you believe that Joe Biden or Jeff Bezos have ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)?

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I personally have had a lot of testing prior to my diagnosis. I had several EEGs, CT scans, and MRIs done to rule out other possibilities and I also underwent psychological testing in detail at a state hospital. It took me 3 years after my first episode to be diagnosed with schizophrenia

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Psychology has had many different hypothesis about humans. In my opinion psychology is more about convincing people with the story you tell. Different people in psychology tell different stories and they are all seperate and nobody is telling the whole story. For example some psychology is about learning, some things from sigmund freud are about animal instincts, some is about stimulus cognition.

If you look at other scientific subjects they go more into the detail and say what they can - but not more - unlike psychology.

Psychiatry is actually part of the medical field which is sort of scientific but more practical. In medicine they learned what they know now by people dying and experimentation.

I think when they group together different people with one name, say schizophrenia, its mostly due to experience - like I could group some people as say, aggressive douchebags. They may not even be wrong to group us together.

Yeah, special needs.

Same here. They had to rule out all kinds of other things before settling on the schizophrenia diagnosis. It took about a year of investigation and continuously monitoring my symptoms.


Psychiatric medicine deals with people with mental disorders such as abnormal behavior, unorthodox thought patterns and unintelligible speech.

There is a wide spectrum of schizophrenics of whom are grouped together. They all have the same disease but are different in other aspects and or attributes.

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Brilliant info @yinyang

Fair play t ya

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It’s all guesswork

Thers many things that proves its a medical disease, genetics, symptoms, meds, dopamine, etc Why do you think meds that block dopamine work for most schizophrenics? I read something about treatment resistant sz thats resistant to Clozapine, something about dopamine receptors hypersensitivity.

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There is still some mysteries about sz negative symptoms. Over 70% of schizophrenics with negative symptoms experience negative symptoms before being put on meds and off meds. Maybe its brain structure abnormalities or brain/chemical damage, who knows.

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Negative symptoms commonly appear during the prodromal phase of schizophrenia and before the first acute psychotic episode (Figure 2). Among patients with negative symptoms , 73% had them before the onset of positive symptoms and 20% experienced them within the same month as positive symptoms