Accidently took my night meds this morning

ahh, so annoying… I just took all my night meds, APs isntead of my morning meds. So now I have double dose of APs for the next 12 hours… I’ll be a zombie all day and then 12 hours with less AP in my system. /vent

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Outch. I hope it doesn’t feel so bad.

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I’m sorry @thomas hopefully you’ll be able to manage.

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thanks @everhopeful @Wave, I can’t feel ANYTHING that’s the worst part… but it could be worse I guess, better than going a day without


I’ve done that before. I ended up sleeping all day

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yeah I hope I just take a long nap or something


If you’re nervous, you can call a pharmacist and make sure it’s ok

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I’ve done it before, it’s been a while though. Probably has happened a handful of times in the last 6 years. Also a handful of times where I didn’t take my meds on accident. Just the nature of taking meds everyday I guess.

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haha - ive actually done that - seriously not knowing what time of day it was.

Just make up a bed on the sofa - and doze on there all day infront of the tv.

No ones gonna judge you for it.

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haha can’t help but try and make the best of it right. Yeah I woke up feeling great and then bam I just slammed my night meds and I was like ah DANGIT.

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Once I double dosed on my blood pressure med. I was dizzy and had difficulty walking, was holding the wall to not fall.

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Haha - The psychologist in me, would think your brain meant you to take them for a bit of extra rest lol.

Dont worry about it. Ive been off my proverbials the past few days on high doses of Quetiapine lol.

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That’s scary. Definitely need to be careful when that happens. It could potentially be dangerous depending on what you doubled up on.

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:laughing: yeah maybe my brain needs the rest.
I take Seroquel as well. I take 800mg XR at night. So I guess technically I am on 1600mg at the moment. It’s probably like taking a Haldol on top of everything when I was in the hospital a long time ago.


Thats a stonking dose mate. 600mg of that on me - and its goodnight for 12 hours lol.

Treat it like a short break lol.

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yeah I was on 600mg for years and then I went up to 700mg and then 6 months later 800mg. 800 is the max my psych said you can take so if that didn’t work I was going to have to to find another AP. I’ve tried 3 others and they didnt work so im lucky i can take 800. yea for sure.

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