If people become so abusive that you have to face the bitter truth, and it can feel very hard to let them go.
when I was a ‘vulnerable adult’ because of my views, my family fed off that fact. I may have had a different view on life, that didn’t mean I couldn’t see when I’m was being treated badly. Doctors have put a label on me, this It wont change my reaction to abuse,
Remember they will get by causing you to be sad so they get some pleasure, this DOES NOT mean you give yourself up to them, because you feel pity for them or want to make them happy, there is no use, there’s no changing them, it’s so relieving to cut the ties to abuse, liberating, walk out of their small life’s, there is a lot to live for outside abusive relationships. You can find yourself again.
If you don’t hold on to your self, other people will rent your brain, and will squat there making a mess.
take control.