A little venting

sometimes i feel emotions out of nowhere but i struggle to identify them or their cause? sometimes i will feel a really strong emotion but also feel disconnected from it. today i have been angry all day and i dont know why. its really hard for me to get what im thinking in a coherent form and even harder to discuss it with anyone. i wonder sometimes if im the only one who has trouble figuring this out
also that, 1) i feel alot that nobody knows anything about me or who i am (even the few closest to me) because i put on a facade alot so that nobody gets scared of whats in my head 2) im not sure but i think i might be posting too much here, im just excited to see that other people really experience some of the things i do and i can talk about it without feeling endangered

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you are safe on here…post as much as you want.
do remember normals/muggles get the following ;
they pretend to be something they are not
can’t think
have mild anxiety
think wierd stuff…they don’t want to tell others about, because they are embarassed about it
they struggle emotionally
they kid themselves that they are coping.
it is called the human condition.

we as sz or mentally ill people can think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence…
to a certain extent ’ yes ’
to a certain extent ’ no ’

just my opinion. :heart_eyes:
take care :alien:

Well first of all it’s your life and nobody’s business but yours.

I can appreciate your concern as ive had people suggest that im a serial killer or child rapist just because I didn’t want my sloppy turn along with everyone else (these were females) so because I don’t hang out at bars and partake in transmitting diseases they went all over town to the stores , restaurants vars etc. Telling everybody that im so stuck up that I hate everyone.

I don’t hate anyone but I dislike immature females and this seems like a great reason to me, they basically told everybody “don’t like him” like a 3rd grade girl so you are kinda correct in being aware of your situation.

I get unexplainable anger when I see little kids. I think it’s partly jealousy because they have a better life than I had as a child, and partly because I feel they are somehow my responsibility even when they aren’t. I bat zero when it comes to motherhood.

oh i feel similar, i cant stand kids or infants :frowning: theyre a nightmare, and uncomfortable to be around
i have really short tolerance (although i managed to sit with my friends baby sisters through a monster high movie last week. they like me for some reason)