A Good Starter Camera

My daughter is showing an interest in Photography. I’d like to pick up a nice camera for her, but i don’t have a clue where to start.

Any suggestions on make/ model I should consider?

@shutterbug? Or anybody else who is familiar in this field?

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Canon or Nikon are good brands.

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I priced a used digital Canon at the local Pawn Shop today. The guy wanted $160.00. I told him I’d consider it.

I should have written down the model so I could google the specs on it, but I can always go back to the store at a later date.


My daughter has taken some very nice nature pictures on her IPhone, but I think she’s ready for a step up.

I also believe she’ll feel more confident and professional with a real camera in her hands. I’m glad she’s taking an interest in this fun and creative hobby…which could turn into a lifelong passion.

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Here’s a recent pic my little girl took in our backyard. She’s very young, but I believe she has a keen eye and flair for this craft.


Yeah. It looks like she’s got a good eye for photography.

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A while back, @shutterbug showed me some of his own awesome pictures from his portfolio of work. He’s talented in this area. Hopefully he can point me in the right direction.


Do they have any photography classes at your daughter’s school or extracurricular photography classes outside of school?


Good idea, @Moonbeam

My daughter says she thinks there’s a Photography Club at the new school she will be attending next week! Yay! :slight_smile:


I just did a quick search on Google. It seems that Nikon is easier to use for beginners and Canon has a wider variety of lenses and a bit better for action shots.
My niece was a wedding and family pic photographer before she was married. She used a Nikon and her work is amazing

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Okay @FatMama

Thanks for the input! :slight_smile: Perhaps I’ll investigate the Nikon a little more…especially if it’s more user friendly for beginners.

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I have to admit that I’m not up on consumer models, I tend to own higher-end professional models. That being said, Nikon and Canon are nearly evenly matched in lens quality. Nikon has really pulled ahead in two areas:

  1. Their sensors seriously kick ass in low light. Better pictures with almost no noise. Canon sensors may have more megapixels, but you get half the picture quality once you pass ISO 800 that you would from a Nikon.

  2. Nikon cameras have incredible ergonomics and they make your life easier. Canon cameras have become like plastic wrapped bricks in terms of use and you literally have to fight with your camera to get the shot you want in action scenarios.

Once you choose a dSLR you get locked into a lens system. I’m currently locked into Canon’s system. I wish I wasn’t.

Hope this helps.


Sounds good Pix…

I’ll check Kijiji and the Pawn Shops for a quality used Nikon.

I went today to visit my old friend Dave at the local Pawn Shop. Apparently the new guy behind the counter told me Dave was in jail for dealing…(ahem)…more than just cameras. Yikes!

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Wow! I’ve just been googling Nikon information. These are expensive cameras!


U guys are rich…!!!

Now you know why I won’t shoot a wedding for less than five grand.

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Do you want to get a DSLR ?

If no, them the oldest sony rx100 is still selling on the market and is pretty damn good. The new ones are pretty great too but expensive. But the older model is pretty much identical imagine quality wise. I have the first model myself. Let me send you a pic.

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This one but don’t advice getting directly from Sony. I spent £250 on it on Amazon not £500

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Sony currently makes the best sensors on the market – Nikon uses them instead of developing their own. I also approve of the move away from SLRs. The need for flappy mechanical crap inside cameras has passed.

The one piece of kit that I’d kill for is a Better Light scanning back for my 4x5 view camera. You can do amazing things with the front and back movements, it’s just that it costs me about $30 a shot now as film for them is getting rather dear!