I haven’t uploaded it to my computer because it’s broken, but this is it on my camera. What do you think?
Very good composition!
Yeah cool. I like industrial/public spaces. It’s an interesting thing to put onto film.
I thought so too, but I don’t have the money or the space for a film camera, film, chemicals, and a dark room
Phone cameras are pretty good these days and art is the process itself. Plenty of people get by with limited equipment but still make art worthy of sharing. Do what you can do and enjoy it.
Camera phones give you no option to control aperture, shittspeed, iso, opticle zoom, etc. camera phones are good for beginners. Those who want to be a real photographic artist needs a dslr.
The blur on the train, for instance, used a slow shutter speed to make a sense of motion.
Not to mention the puny sensor of a phone is nothing on an slr.
Yeah I’m not in the field but appreciate it’s a skill and very much a trade. Just saying there’s ways around it if you are passionate. Art for arts sake is indeed something I believe in.
I just get annoyed by the commercials saying camera phones are better than real cameras, lol. There’s no comparison in the end lol
So you took this photo right?
Yes I did! Do you like it?
Yeah looks cool!
Thank you, buddy!!!
No problem man!
Polite disagreement. You can get a lot of mileage out of a camera phone if you understand how it works and how to use it. I can turn off the auto features on the camera software to choose ISO, shutter speed, white balance, etc., manually. I can also shoot in RAW, do exposure bracketing, and focus bracketing with it.
Every one of these is a cell phone snap. My mobile phone hasn’t replaced my higher-end cameras and it certainly can’t be used in all scenarios (e.g. I have cameras with 600mm and 1200mm lenses for wildlife and a T/S lens for architecture), but it lets me do more landscape work without having to hump around a huge bag of gear.
The best camera is the one you have in your hand, ready to use.
I do shoot some film, but sparingly. It’s expensive and I dislike the environmental impact. I shoot colour and black and white print film. I have a darkroom bag for extracting film from rolls and some developing tanks that I pop the reels into. Once the reels are in the tanks I can do everything in my kitchen. I use my sous vide for temp control for the water bath. I scan the negs into my computer and take them from there after developing.
And, uh, we’re not discussing the number of film cameras I own. We’re just not.
Getting back to the original topic, I really like your photo. Wish I could see it in higher quality.
I just prefer having options to change aperture, shutter speed, etc. all the phones I’ve seen only have one aperture option.
Btw, I love the photo of the barber shop!
Not much of an aperture to change on a phone. Everything generally winds up in focus because of the tiny distance between the back of the lens and the sensor. You wouldn’t see much difference if there was an aperture to change. If you want bokeh you turn on that feature in software now as it’s added through digital tomfoolery.
This will be available in Canada this summer. Considering upgrading to it. Leica glass and a 1-inch 50 MP sensor. Ooooof.
Terrific photo!
What model Nikon do you have?
I have a d3400 but never use it now.
Ahem. That is egregious behaviour, sir. Absolutely egregious.
Get thine self outside with that camera!!!
I wish Digital cameras where around when I was growing up in the 90s instead of Film cameras.