I might have Schizophrenia!

You feel fear and maybe anxiety, that does not check the sz box.

Is your house/ apt bugged?

When did you ingest the edibles ? In my experience I have voices and hallucinations and have been hospitalised twice, itā€™s best to keep pushing for help if you think somethingā€™s wrong, but it doesnā€™t sound like youā€™ve had a psychotic break, but clearly a bad reaction to the edibles, I wouldnā€™t do them again if I were you :stuck_out_tongue:


Therefore they are not delusionsā€¦ By the way what is their content?


Ok one example of a delusion Iā€™ve had. One morning I stepped outside with my sister to attempt to take a walk & I noticed the tree in our front yard had a bunch of leaves that had turned brownish & had fallen off & were scattered along the lawn. This wouldnt be abnormal if it were in the fall but since we were in the middle of summer it struck me as odd & for some reason extremely bothered me.I couldnā€™t shake the feeling this bad vibe feeling that something evil or sinister had caused the leaves on the tree to die & although I dismissed the thought immediately as ridiculous & impossible obviously I still couldnā€™t shake the emotional uncomfortability it evoked in me. & the fact that I even recognized that I even entertained such a ridiculous notion even briefly troubled me because itā€™s just not the sort of thing Iā€™d ever do usually

Ok thatā€™s not a sz type delusion. A sz delusion is persistent and lasts for months


No my apartment/house is not bugged unless you count the occasional infiltration of ants lol

I think this has progressed beyond the point of being helpful. @Melimel I hope you seek the advice of a psychiatrist, and trust what the psychiatrist has to say. Until then, try to interrupt your obsessive thoughts however you can.