Symptomatic, but not fully schizophrenic

So I’ve had symptoms for a few years now, namely paranoia, a few delusions like being followed, being watched, thought broadcasting, fear of ghosts and demons, some hallucinations.

But I’ve never actually lost touch with reality and not been able to communicate, the worst that has happened is that I was too anxious to speak much, I kinda passed out a few times from weed. But I’ve never really gone crazy, you know?

So I’m just wondering if anyone else has schizophrenic symptoms without really going crazy.

I mostly suffer from paranoia that turned into a fear of others, this is the biggest thing I struggle with. Everything would be relatively easy if I didn’t have that.

Sounds like my psychotic symptoms when I’m not in an episode. So maybe you just haven’t had an official episode yet. I had symptoms my whole life but didn’t have my first episode where they got out of control until I was 16, so I went for quite a while before I had one.

Though you mentioned weed…if you smoke a lot of weed that could be creating those symptoms too…

I used to, that is what caused my symptoms, I had no symptoms before I smoked weed. Since I’ve quit I’ve had a lot less hallucinations, but the social anxiety has stayed for some ■■■■■■■ reason.

Social anxiety isn’t something typically caused by weed, that could be a different issue.

Well thats what happened to me, I was fine before I started smoking

Hm, well drugs affect everyone differently so who knows. Anyways what I’m getting from this is that weed is causing you a bajillion problems and it would probably be better if you stopped it…maybe think about why you are still on it and then look for healthier alternatives to what you feel you’re getting from it.

I don’t smoke anymore, never smoking weed again.

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Oh ok. Well the theory is that for people genetically predisposed to things like psychosis, weed can somehow activate these genes…you may have activated things you can’t turn off anymore. I’m glad you quit and hope you can find help for your social anxiety, and also hope you don’t ever have a full episode, they are terrifying.

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Yeah I hope I never have one. Thank you.