I drown..... :(

dose anyone make you feel like this?

i Drown

im trying so hard
to keep going on
but in your mind
im always in the wrong

i try to keep speaking
but your ears do not listen
and the emotion of you caring
seems to be missing

should i waste my time
trying to make you see
trying to make you understand
how my life must be

must i forget you
move on as i need
or do i keep trying
laying the friendship seed

your are slowly wearing me out
soon i will no longer cope
because you put me down
and have taken away my hope

but i extend me hand
try to grip yours
im true to keep open
the friendship door

this is your last chance
because you have worn me down
i cant take much of this
amoung my thoughts
i drown.


I watch out for ppl draining my energy. I carefully choose who to be friends with. And it takes a long time before I trust someone.

I hope you find streangth to end this relationship making you feel like drowning.

It’s amazing how much energy a negative person can be.

This was the start of my hyper analytical thinking, after being around a person long enough that always saw me in the wrong. The thing is, nothing will ever be good enough for that person, so don’t try and prove yourself to them, or be good enough for them, or it will turn on you. I’m assuming that person really does see you as wrong all the time. But in my experience, I had to leave the person mentally, physically, and if possible, spiritually if that makes since. I’m much better for it.