Feeling pretty worthless

Yeah I feel like ■■■■, may as well be dead

That’s an intrusive feeling, I think you should resist intrusive thoughts and find purpose in life.

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I can’t even talk about it,

Like I try and be myself, I mean what do you want me to do? I can’t be someone else and I’m not that bad

Our lives are important, we all can find something good in our lives, sometimes it is not obvious and we need to think hard. I recall when I lived in my auto in the States 20 years ago, I often had depressive and suicidal thoughts, but I survived and here I am writing today. Think positive and try to find positive things in your life, we all have positive things, we just need to understand and find these things. It is good that you write here.


Are you comparing yourself to people who have lots of things easier than you? Because that’s never a fair game and not fair to yourself.


I’ve just had a lot of stuff happening and people upsetting me, my gf left me, my friend has been abusing drugs, lots of things happening,

Also my post last night was locked and i was threatened again with suspension :frowning: I get a lot of stick and idk why, i feel victimised, bullied, its a horrible feeling and it brings me down,

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Sorry man, I know how it feels to have the world against but I get the feeling your a really nice person with a lot to offer the world. There’s so much fuuck heads in the world and your def not one of them, your just having a bad day.

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Also it’s only an online forum, don’t take what anybody sez behind the safety of a keyboard seriously. People act differently in real life

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thx Italy, Its just hard just now, idk if i can keep this dog, i want to try but i am worried about him, and my friend is a really good guy and i have been trying to help him :frowning: its just sad, I feel like i’ve wasted a lot of time with my ex gf who i’ve known for ages and it was not worth it, I got loads coming up, Mannn it hard :frowning:

I mean i’m usually ok but it can still get on top of me.

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I’m sorry @drwho that you’re going through a rough patch. I hope things get better for you and you feel the sun once again.


thx leaf, i am sort of in limbo atm trying to find a good balance between activities, lots of stuff going on, i am just glad i could help my mum out yesterday with her shopping and i did my own shopping at the same time,

i took my dog out this morning but i felt terrible with wind/ rain and cold in my face, he is a nice dog and it is helping having him but i worry about him :frowning:

Got some Chilli cooking in the slow cooker for tonight,

:frowning: urghh i am really drained, i am glad my mum hasnt phoned for me today.


I hope things turn around for you and you have a good day after all.

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Well, I would say as long as your alive you have a chance for things to get better. But I would be careful about being around those that are abusing drugs.

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I know, i dont need that ■■■■ :frowning:

I see the girlfriend as a friend really. And any time wasted with a friend isn’t a waste, I feel.

Nowadays though, some women are valued and devalued for the way they look rather than what they have done.

I’ve had some friends whom I’ve parted ways with, but I don’t think I’d ever think that I wasted time with any of them. Maybe I’m not thinking far back enough, but I honestly can’t think of any friend that was a waste of time. Then again, I haven’t had many friends.

If anything, I just see those friends as those who had different beliefs than me. But even though we had different beliefs, I still respect them I guess. I feel that I even think this way of enemies, even those who pretend to be friends or who evolve from friends.

I guess a girlfriend is different than a friend. I’ve never had a girlfriend, but I don’t really believe in the girlfriend/boyfriend social structure anymore and just see them all as friends. I’ve had female friends in the past and I wouldn’t say that I wasted time with them. We kept each other company and entertained each other.

I’m sorry to hear that your friend died of cancer. I’m also sorry to hear that your other friend is struggling with drugs. You are a good friend for helping him.

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@drwho. I’m sorry that you’re feeling so down. Can you reach out to your mental health team if you need help managing?

I’m sorry you’re feeling victimized and bullied. I guess that all I can recommend is that you try to separate out those people who are genuinely trying to offer constructive advice versus those people who are just being mean and not being constructive. And ignore the latter.

I have been on the receiving end of bullying myself and I agree that it does not feel good. However, it’s worth remembering that bullying behavior reflects poorly on the bully not the victim. It’s also worth remembering that one has no control over how another person acts but one does have control over how oneself responds.

I hope you start feeling better soon. Take care.


@drwho . I’m sure you’ll find a girl who shares your values and live happily ever after .


I was that bad back when I drank and used. Had to learn honesty and being trustworthy. I really did become a new person to the point of having memories from the old me in my head that I can no longer relate to. They feel like the memories of a stranger now.

Change is possible.


I hear that, I am so detached from my younger self that it feels like another person, like i didnt have a childhood or anything, even when i was ill, it seems like that time period didnt even happen, its another reason for me to try and find meaning in this big bad world, I only really started to live a ‘life worth remembering’ when i had a med change 2011 and found God

I am glad i had a nice lazy day, time to recoup, re-energize and renew, i was running on empty, I can only do so much.

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