Friend delusion?

I’ve been struggling with thoughts that none of my friends love me, care about me, or even want me around.

I feel like I must be constantly annoying or hurting my friends. I’ll be fine in the moment and we’ll have a great time!!
But once I’m alone I analyze the things I did and said over and over again and feel like whatever I’ve done was wrong and has made them suddenly hate me.

When I talk to them about it they always tell me that I’m a good person and friend. But I feel like I normally end up doubting their sincerity even though they’ve really given me no reason to.

I feel like they all secretly hate me.

I’m not sure but I think I might be a bit delusional about this?? Idk thoughts??

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You seem to really nourish the negativity in your life,

So I’d say this is probably a partly delusional.

That said, you say you talk to them about it.

People don’t like that.

Everyone has insecurities, but having to constantly reassure a friend they’re a friend would be annoying.

Keep going out there and being a friend,

Try to push these feelings aside.

It’s difficult, but these people wouldn’t be hanging out with you if they didn’t care.

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I mean I talk to them about the things I did wrong. sometimes I did in fact do something wrong and we work through it. other times they tell me I didn’t do anything wrong but it’s hard to shake, I do always drop it at this point though.

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You’re overthinking it.

And it’s hurting you.

I think you’re probably a good friend, afraid of losing more friends and am just being hyper aware of any little thing.

Don’t do that to yourself.

Let it all go and focus on spending time with people you enjoy.


I’m going to be honest I have no idea how to do that

Do you journal?

You sound like you could benefit from one.

I know you’ve had a mixed bag with therapy,

But writing for yourself can be very therapeutic.

It also allows you insight into your own life that you didn’t see before.


I write to vent often but outside of that it doesn’t super help

Maybe you should read some of your past writings and see if there’s a pattern.

If something is triggering this that you’re unaware of.

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I think you’re a nice person.

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Thank you Loke I’m glad :slightly_smiling_face:

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My main question is if this sounds like a delusion or not??

Like I keep feeling like they all talk behind my back I feel like they all hate me. And I have no idea if it’s like real or not.

Like maybe it’s just anxiety but I’m just unsure cause it feels more intense than anxiety

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I think all friends talk about each other to some extent,

But what you’re worried about is delusions.

Your friends like you or they wouldn’t hang out.


Look them in the eyes to see if they’re telling the truth.

I am a bit bad at eye contact I should probably work on that

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The thing is we don’t hang out as much anymore and idk I know sometimes life is just like that but idk it’s just hard. :slightly_frowning_face:

But lately it just feels like the anxiety about it just keeps escalating. Like sometimes I start thinking that “they probably wish that I had died” and it doesn’t normally stay that way but it’s hard to not completely believe it in the moment

I too feel the same. I think most people hate me for being reckless and like anti social. I have reasons for it and I don’t need to worry about it as they liking or hating me is not in my hands. I just have to like myself and move on. Though I don’t have huge friends circle I just have to be content with what I have at present.

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I have a hard time making friends. Mentally ill people are guarded and hard to get their trust.


I used to practice this by watching people I was just meeting in the eyes only focusing on that. Problem was, sometimes I would look at their eyes for too long. But it helped me seem more confident at times.

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I hate eye contact it’s so confusing cause like you’re supposed to look but not too long and it’s just bleh but that’s a good suggestion I’ll try that!!

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I doesnt sound like delusion to me. It sounds like insecurity and self doubt.

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