i’ve lost half a stone simply by cutting out sugar from my coffee…yeah, i drink a lot of the stuff. ur body needs some sugar though so don’t cut it out completely. i still have sugar on my breakfast but that’s it, or i get it from fruit.
it’s not the anti psychotic that makes u gain weight, it’s the fact that it makes u eat more and usually crap too.
I try to avoid pastry . I lost a lot of weight by eating a lot of raw vegetables. I am at my optimum wight, and still loosing weight, i will never give up raw veggies, it reduces the side effects of med, gives me energy and my symptoms are improving day by day, and i have reduced my med. i think if i go all raw veggies and fruits i wont need my psych med, but due to my sever insomnia i wont be able to sleep by being only on raw.