After clozapine, what medications would you recommend

What meds would you recommend after clozapine. Itried it and it didn’t suit me.

after i came off clozaril i started doing combinations.

right now i’m on haldol injections and zyprexa. it works as well as anything has.
i’ve also taken prolixin injections and zyprexa.

i also had bilateral ECT. but that was when i was coming off the clozaril. and then i took a few different combinations and some had things that didn’t work (like latuda…did absolutely nothing).

personally, after clozaril i just know that atypicals are not for me. zyprexa helps with one thing, but it’s the only kind and typicals are the only ones that control most of my symptoms.

best wishes to you, whatever you try next.

I am recomend zyprexa. Considered that zyprexa with clozapine have similar stucture and action. I took clozapine in 40 weeks.

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I like what I’ve been reading about Abilify and Geodon… weight neutral and lower side effects.

I love the latuda. But I know it doesn’t work for everyone. But I would most likely try others of the second generation medications.

Zyprexa starts working almost immediately and has less severe side effects.
Risperdal is a potent atypical antipsychotic that works at low doses.
The monthly injections are said to be very effective but I don’t trust them.
Seroquel is what I’ve had the best luck with personally, though it takes longer to work and the therapeutic dose is similar to clozapine’s.

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Ok, first of all, your doctor is incompetent if they gave you Clorazil/Clozapine before trying everything else. It has a potentially fatal side effect and is a last resort, however it does often work like a charm.

You should have been put on newer meds like Geodon, Zyprexa, Latuda, Abilify, not Clozapine first.

And they should have blood tested you while you were on it.


My best meds are that which I am on now - amisulpride. But if you live in the US it is not available there, so the next best thing in my experience is risperidone. It worked well for me too, and pushed me into a remission which I enjoyed for five years.

After I stopped taking Clozapine I was put on Saphris, one of the newer AP’s. Its a great medication although not everyone likes it at first.

I’m on Amisulpride :smile: It took them about 5 different changes of tablets to get me on the right one, at first I was on Risperidone but when they reduced the dosage i relapsed, they then tried other drugs like aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, and eventually clozapine, none of them worked so eventually I was put on Amisulpride and ive been fine for well over a year now!

I’m wondering the same thing, I started clozapine was hopeful had to stop as it was increasing my heart rate, today has been a living hell the psychosis doesn’t stop for even a minute.

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