Your experiences with avolition

In my case I have big problems (I feel paralyzed and waste a lot of time) with decisions on trivial matters (ex. which game will I play? where will I walk to? which video? which words will I choose for this post?) and routine activities.
Curiously, I have also lost the knowledge of my religious orientation, I don’t know anymore if I’m religious, agnostic, atheist or neither, I can’t take side anymore.

What are your experiences of avolition?


My experience with avolition is I have all these things I’d like to do, but just can’t get up off the couch really.


Pretty much same as @Everhopeful said

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I tell myself I’d love to do that and then I put myself down and don’t do it. Or I build up all day that when I get home I’m going to do this awesome thing but I never end up doing it.


I could say for me, when it does act up, I literally can’t find the energy or motive to do said thing I want to do.
I often get frustrated at myself for this, but hopefully it’ll get a lot better.

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It feels a lot like when you’re starving, and spot a rogue chimichanga in the freezer, slap that baby in the convection oven, set the timer and wait the 25 minutes.
A half hour or so goes by, so you go to investigate, and find you never turned the oven on.