Avolition problems

I just dont feel like doing anything today. I looked it up and its called avolition in schizophrenia. The inability to harness physical or mental energy. I want to draw or paint today but i feel overwhelmed by it.


don’t worry about it, its a temporary thing, i hope you find the energy soon, take care :slight_smile:

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Its not temporary though. I feel like this every day


Part of it is that we have trouble seeing that the activity like drawing or whatever will be rewarding or enjoyable.
So we dont muster the energy to do it.

Whats the easiest possible activity you could do? Try that for 1 minute.


Journaling is the easiest. But some days i just dont feel like it or have nothing to say. But i usually journal almost every day. Its been a week aince i last did though


I feel like this every day. I just watch TV and go to groups but I’m tired of TV and groups. I don’t feel like I have the energy to work or walk to school every day if I went back to college. I just feel stuck.


My process for getting past it was to pick one small thing I wanted to do and keep at it until I was in the habit of doing it daily. Then I added a second small thing and made sure I did both daily. Sometimes I took one small thing and added five more minutes to it. This builds success over time.


Out of curiosity, which AP are you on @pasteyface?

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Im on Invega Trinza. Ive read people have horrible experiences with it.

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I usually do one thing a day. Its usually play video games. I have to force myself to turn the computer on. It takes a couple hours to work up the courage to do it

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Have you tried setting goals of things to do each day? Having goals really helped me. I had to have someone help me create them as I couldn’t do it myself at first.

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Maybe you need some sleep or to decrease whatever stress is holding you back. Or you need some good music, some self care to feel confident and hopeful. Im having a similar day barely trudging through it feels like Im trying to force a wagon through a pit full of mud Im not as talented in the arts, but if I could paint or draw something fabulous that would be a great distraction. I have always wanted to be able to paint realistic portraits—after schizophrenia seemed to rob me of my photographic memory the desire to paint has never left though. Im sure skill and practice have some to do with it as well but I think there is a mythical element to creativity so when youre down or not feeling there its just not there at the moment like writers block…a creative block…often temporary. I think abilify really helps me in the area of avolition. For people with major depression I have read reviews it was a total 360 game changer. When I was on seroquel i was less creative. So medications can factor in realistically but you need to be on one that works for your symptoms.

I hope you feel better soon. You’re not alone, friend.

I make a list of things to do everyday. If i do them is another thing.

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How big are your lists? I find a bigger list i will never do, its just overwhelming.
So if i write one i just put 2 or 3 small things.


Both Invega and Risperdal can cause your avolition.
They also cause anhedonia.

I’m on Risperdal and usually have very little motivation.


I have the same problem on 5mg risperidone. I just try to ignore it and do what I can currently do, very easy stuff like gaming, listening to music, vaping and sometimes cooking. I wish I could take walks outside, it sounds easy for everyone but not for me.


Like 3 to 4 things. I just list options of what i can do. Like paint, read, video games, watch a show. Pretty basic stuff. I just never do anything.

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Yeah invega is basically the same thing as risperdone. Def causes anhedonia.

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Maybe just list 1 thing. Then you can avoid any indecision atleast.