They never thank you when they are better,just walk away and never look back.Story of my life.
What’s going on?
Thanks for asking.Today I realized that no one called me on the phone for two weeks.I gave my brother half of flat and two years after he throw me out.Never called me.
does it matter what people think of you?
No not really.But my illness is so hard to me,and I often can’t recognize which people will leave and left me suffering.
Actually this forum is to much “funny” so people don’t pay attention to people who are deeper than them,and it hurts.I decided not to participate any more then posting a song.
Thanks @roxanna for posting,you’re such a heart,I didn’t know.
I give sometimes. I just wrote a snail mail letter to the doctor I had when I had my first psychotic break 50 years ago. He never answered but oh well. That’s life. One can’t give with the idea that you’ll get something in return. People will just prove that’s not so.
I try to respond everyone who needs help.Just think is rude to waste some others time and effort to help,and then disappear.I have still a friend,who is my dearest,when he was divorcing,He’s been at my place every evening,talking to my mother and me.When it passed,he never called me.He acted like nothing happened.
Love ya both. Always take your meds.
No problem,watch after yourself.
A lot of people don’t believe in love because it wasn’t our experience. It’s like not knowing any better only you might say it’s not feeling any better. Being sensitive to the needs of others is not a given - there is no guarantee you’ll ever be loved. Be more glad that you can love when you can. Don’t let anyone threaten you out of loving.
Maybe helping people without expecting anything in return is good advice. Otherwise you can get hurt.
Well,I’m hurt of using me,although they know I’m sick.
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