Yeah, my life (thanks for inviting me back, the absurdity)

I only loved one boy from 6th grade all thru high school.

I had his picture in my notebooks, wrote poems to him, named my stuffed animals after him.

He got his dad to come after me, and I believe his dad said, Mike, she’s so pretty I couldn’t do it.

It was unheard of for girls to chase after guys, we were supposed to be submissive and unchallenged.

Come to me with your broken heart. He turned me down flat.

He was the Homecoming King, the star basketball player, the most attractive young man I’d ever seen, I only wanted the best, and why shouldn’t I?

I bet you’re still foxy

haha, I bet he’s not.

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I was talking about you girl, you still got it, from you’re posts you sound active and intense

thanks for that. Sometimes I wonder if my obsession with this guy was precusor.

I like to think I offer something here, you may be right. Doubting myself, just came back.

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You were brave to show your feelings to him, you got more guts than me.

When I was 16 I loved a boy who looked like a handsom rock star. But I turned him down with great self-control three years later when I graduated from my university. This guy is a bad boy. After I have turned him down he showed off to my male classmates how I had once loved him, which made these male classmates hated me very much. I still love this bad boy but I never regret my decision.

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I never had the guts to persue any guys when i was at school. I was more focused on doing well grades wise, but i had the odd crush, i just didn’t have the self-confidence. I thought i was too ugly, and that they wouldn’t want my baggage either. You sound very brave to have approached him, even if he did turn you down.

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