Writing, future

Honestly. I don’t want to be a writer anymore. I thought it’s one of the most important goals in my life…
But why I don’t journal everyday?
Why I don’t feel super nice while writing?
It truly was a psychosis delusion, I realise now. O artleast a dream born during my psychotic experience.
I wanted to be famous writer. But to be a not famous writer seems not interesting to me.

Also… in school I liked being creative, writing some stuff… but I cannot imagine myself writing long pages everyday.

I don’t know why, but I feel lighter, when I do not overthink this writing stuff anymore!!

Probably, I am the most average, non special person ever.
First, during psychosis I thought I am a god,
Then super duper famous popstar,
Then, maybe I could become a famous writer…
Now I realise I just want to be me. Normal, average me. With a stable career and with happiness on my face.

I still choose the journalism career,
But being a writer? Probably nah.


Maybe right fiction :sweat_smile: I would read your book :open_book:


How are you going to be a journalist without being a writer?

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I mean by writer specifically the one who writes books.

Um. That’s where journalists derive a lot of their income from. They sure don’t make it from the publications they write for. I have a lot of friends who are (or were) journalists.

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Maybe you can be an online journalist like on YouTube… To make a channel to report current events :slightly_smiling_face:

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