I am not sure anymore (writings)

During my psychosis, I hear several times internal voices, and external voices (hallucinations) which were saying “You will be a writer”. During that time I was 100% it’s a God plan for me.

And till this day, I thought… well, maybe it’s really my dream? I should write? Maybe these hallucinations shown what I want deep inside?

But now… I am hell not sure.

  1. It was hallucination, auditory hallucination. Maybe I am still only delusional? Why do I believe in such things which I heard during psychosis?
  2. I rarely write diaries or some other stuff for myself. Probably it means I am not enjoying it as I thought.
  3. I am not even sure if it’s possible! Very small minority of people in my country actually earn money from writing books.

Now I am confused about my whole future…
I know I write in my own native language not bad… but still. I do not know if I have enough skills. And worst, I don’t even know anymore do I really want this? Maybe it’s an old delusion?

During psychosis I wanted to be a psychiatrist but not now on meds

Sorry to hear that :confused:
After pscyhosis for a short time I had this wish to be a pscyhologist, but my exam results were not so good to become one.

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