So the other day I received a random phone call from a number I never heard of, yet it was a local cell phone number. I let it ring out, no big deal. A few minutes later they call again. I ignore it, again and brush it off. It happens, no big deal.
Over the course of the next couple days, I get random phone calls from 4 different local cell phone numbers that I’ve never heard of. One message from someone saying “call grandma back.” And then I get a text from a different number saying “who this.” (that was it.) I replied back that I’ve never contacted that number and that they must have the wrong number. And that was the end of that.
But the paranoia that caused me was the worst paranoia I’ve had since I was off meds. What do you guys think? Just some people maybe got my number by mistake and were all trying to contact me? I hate major coincidences, it just triggers the paranoia in my brain to a whole new level. Thanks for reading.