Would you rather #12 - Poll

I haven’t done a “Would you rather” in a long time so I figured that I am about due.

Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

I do a lot of reading on this forum so I am not sure which I would pick.

Would your rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak?
  • Lose the ability to read
  • Lose the ability to speak

0 voters

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I barely read anyway

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Sometimes I think my life would be easier without speech. When you would hear me with my thick accent some maybe judgemental how I say things.

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No that’s not nice that’s not very positive for a post back it makes you kind of depressed

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Hmm. I’ve gone days without speaking more than a paragraph. I studied American Sign Language in college for a bit. I forgot most of it but extra curricular activities led me to a deaf cafe night a few times. Some very good natured folk were there. One guy was incredibly funny, he signed that being deaf is kinda like being a ninja. He was so funny with his facial expressions and doing the shush sign then looking wide eyed from side to side.

I spent a lot of the day reading, whether it is reading the forum or reading news articles. I think if I couldn’t read I’d be incredibly bored. I mean I might miss singing in the shower but I think I could manage not being able to speak and learn American Sign Language to communicate.

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I would certainly miss reading, it is through reading and study that I educate myself. Conversely, my voice has gotten me in trouble many times, and apparently I am unable to make myself clearly understood most of the time, so I’d prefer reading.


To read of course, there is still human groups wo don’t read or write.

I had both happen to me at different times :grin:.
When you have a single sentence in front of you that you try to read with comprehension. It reminded me of how hard of a time I had learning to read in the first place.
edit: If one would add “lose the ability to walk” to the vote (or make it extremely difficult to walk) - would that be an easy choice?

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I learn from others, not from repeating myself, as much as that feeds my ego and I love to waffle,

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Wow, 50/50 so far. Close poll.

Read - Comes at the cost of eyes and brains
Speak- Comes at the cost of brains and vocal.
As I traverse, I like to be a spectator.

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I love reading, so for me it was a no brainer. It is easier to not speak. You can just learn sign language to talk to people.

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