Would you have kids?

Of you know u have this disease would you still have kids ? Or would u opt out …because you think they will genetically also end up with the disease …??


It’s a good question. My grandmother was sick with this illness and of all her offspring, I am the only one who inherited it.
I would like to have children, but then again I worry that I might pass it on or worse cause birth defects due to all the medications I’m on.


Same here I have one kid but I want one more but I take lithium and you can’t have kids on it sighhhhh but oh well at least I have one before my illness

I’ve inherited a lot from my parents and I dnt wanna inherit her depression after she gave birth to us. Also
I’ve had a time when during psychosis, pain became much more painful than usual… Upper lip threading… Imagine this happens during childbirth to me Omygosh!
Also money

It just doesn’t add up well

I’d want My kiddo to be a happy one but I’m already a depressed person n I can’t gueantee that this will go away


If I’m healthy, I’m probably going to go to a sperm bank and donate.

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I worry about passing this disease on, I worry how capable I could be, I worry about money, I worry about worrying about a theoretical child.

I don’t think children are in my future


My son was in high school when I got sick. He is 26 now and healthy. I wish I would have had more children.

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If I find someone and have an opportunity to in the next ten years I will have one kid. That’s all I want, but I do want one. I’m not worried about schizophrenia, odds are still good they won’t get it. I’m not gonna practice eugenics on myself. If it becomes an issue with the child, we’d deal with it. Hopefully the fact that I handle the disease well (recovered from delusions within three years of onset) would translate to the same for my offspring.


I would have opted out if I had known.

I had a abortion when I was psychotic Anders hearing voices 24/7 ,delusions etc and my family told me I can’t even take care of myself and I have to and I was not strong enough then to stand up to them and I regret it.

It was in Sweden.
I love :two_hearts: our son even though he is dead he is still our son and still loved.
I was paranoid about the father so I didn’t tell him but I still love him too even though he could have been a touch to kinky for me and his friends said they wanted to kill me and that I’m a loser and he didn’t defend me and I was so devastated.

I regret the abortion.
If I could give birth to our son I would.
Yes I would have children.
I’m the only one in my family with schizophrenia.
Most others in my family are successful with careers etc
Except my Aunty who was a stay at home mum and my mum hated her for it because she thought she had so much potential.

I am very affectionate and loving and even when I was my worst I managed to feed my dog I had and even take her out for a wee etc when I couldn’t leave my home I still did just so she could wee etc I suffered immensely but I still did it because she needed it as part of her care.
I once had paranoia about my dog and thought she was laughing at my suffering so I threw her in to the bedroom for a hour and then I cuddled her and apologised.


i wouldnt have kids…not want to pass on these genes…also i think it dangerous society to rear kids, with child abductions and guns and heroin cocaine etc…you’d never know how ur kid would grow up…its russian roulette

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I didn’t know. I had my 4 kids between age 29 to 35. I had horrible post partum depression and agitation. I was diagnosed with sza bipolar type around 40 after a long hospital stay.

I wouldn’t change a thing about having kids. They are awesome.


I had mine even though I knew I had mental disorders. I love all 6 of mine. Would still have them.


Were u on an ap when u had 6 of yours

My mental illness isnt worse than being dead, so yeah I’d have children.


i don’t believe mental illness is genetic so yeah, i am in the right place at the moment and i feel like i can be a good father, it might take a while and my gf hasn’t ruled it out.

i’d probably have two if i could maybe three, a boy and girl

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maybe. if it’s in the cards.

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I probably would if I was straight. Now I’m hoping I’ll be able to adopt eventually.


Lately I’ve been looking very seriously into getting a tubal ligation (ie. I most definitely do not want to have biological children). But it was that way before I ever started experiencing psychosis or was diagnosed with anything. I just think that all of the energy & resources I would spend on raising a biological child are those I would rather spend directly on trying to make my community better.

That being said, I think I could be a good foster or step-mum. Plus I love animals so I think they fill that “I need to nurture something” void nicely. :slight_smile:

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