Will you still have kids knowing that they have a chance of having schizophrenia?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Will you still have kids knowing that they have a chance of having schizophrenia?
0 voters
I really hope I never get someone who is intersting in me and even if they are I will always try to escape them. Bringing a kid to this world that would have to suffer the same things I’m going through is a very selfish idea. I really hope I never do that and I don’t change opinion about that.
Its a difficult question for me. I couldn’t answer it. Maybe I will answer it once I get a partner.
No, I don’t want kids anyways for other reasons but if I wanted to have them I would rather consider adopting.
No I will not, I wanted kids but with sz no way, I would consider adopting one day, but I would have to have been stable for years to even consider it.
Forget it then, I’m giving mine back.
I voted yes because I did have a kid knowing I could pass schizophrenia to him.
I didn’t intend to get pregnant, but it happened,
And I’m happy with the choices I made.
I was already showing symptoms and signs at his age now,
And he seems like a perfectly healthy kid.
I think he’ll be fine.
I wasn’t diagnosed before I had my daughter. And she wasn’t planned. But having her is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.
I think there will be better treatments in the future. So although it worries me, there’s no use in letting fear control your life.
No I never wanted children anyway even if the genetic risk wasn’t there
I don’t really want kids but my sz isn’t so much a factor in that decision. Down the line I might procreate though
No kids. Sz or no Sz. Too stressful
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Ah I see. OK I’ll do that. Thanks for the advice.
Oh, interesting… I am biracial too in fact lol… My mom even says that there was this genetic conflict between her and my father, cause they are from very different and separate ethnicities… some people say commonly, that the mixed children are often healthier etc, but it wasnt my case lol… if I understood already your article…
For the piracetam thing, idk… I really believe it’s some disease of the mind, maybe genetic too. But I am not a pro either…
And for the kids question, idk… my sz was very severe, I’ll think twice if I risk to pass it… it seems that it runs on my dads side of the family, so maybe not a good idea. But I am glad when someone else, even sz, has kids… it’s their choice and I dont believe much in the total transmission of the illness for the others… my case is just very particular…
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