Im just curious would you?
No! 15555555555554
Not with my last one, she cheated on me first then I slept with other women. Actually she was using me as side sex she had a bf all the time she was with me, she lied to me she said he is only sleeping at her house and theyre not having sex lol her friend told me she is dating another guy lol i was delusional erotomania and dumb
Honestly her friend was into me, she wanted me to give her a massage at her house, i should have accepted
No, definitely not. Thank you.
You have to be very needy to do that.
Nope 100% no way. Her numbers blocked and she ran of with a 28 year old
Now on risperidone i dont even think about dating or even self dating, its better that way
If it didn’t work the first time it wont a second.
I’m never getting back together romantically with any of my exes, no!
No way, there was a reason it ended in the first place.
I’ll say, yes. She was the one that got away. She’s married now, so it’s not an option but yeah, I’d def get back with her
No way, my ex was a egotistical â– â– â– â– â– .
Don’t reckon I would.
I have a lovely boyfriend now I love .
I do love my x boyfriends or some of them a few or so but not in that way as such.
I’m very close to some even and hold them high but no .
One ghosted me weekdays , one was religious n I’m not , one wouldn’t “let me” go vegan and told me to f u ck off if I go vegan so I did.
I was happy with him in perfect home with perfect dogs but wanted to be true to myself and I didn’t speak up much and his friends gave off hostile vibes at me and our sex wasn’t great but I loved him more than I can say he was everything in a way and I adored our times together.
My last x I adored being with and loved him more than I can say but i couldn’t put up with him ghosting me and standing me up without’s disrespectful no matter the excuses.
Nope, never, lol you could not pay me enough to go back to an ex.
Nope. There’s a good reason why each relationship ended and that can’t be forgotten
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