Found out that he was cheating on me, and that’s why I hadn’t seen him for the last month and change. Not happy, but not exactly sad either. Oh well, c’est la vie
Good job you found out. Time to move on.
Time to move on you will find some one better
Damn that’s rough. Time for some double chocolate ice cream and a zombie movie binge.
Take care, @anon2818416 .
Happened to my Sister. She was at one time practically ‘left at the alter’. She found someone new/rebounded relatively quickly.
I hope the same for you!!
@everhopeful @Montezuma @anon15119022 @GoldenRex
I saw a picture on the internet that was like “I’m not over him, but I’m over it” and honestly that perfectly sums up my feelings.
Like, if he felt that he needed to see other people than obviously we were looking for different things in a relationship.
I still love him, but the relationship just wasn’t working
I’m gonna take some time for myself, I think, and then get back out there
so sorry…at least you seem like you have closure…some never have that and it lingers longer…
My gf started cheating on me after I got sz. Last time I went to her house her ex was there. We didnt fight but he said to not comeback, I told him that thats all I wanted to know, that she is really cheating on me then I left. I suspected that long time ago before this happened.
Sorry to hear this. Glad you are doing okay. You deserve better.
That’s definitely true. My last last relationship I never really got the closure. We just sort of stopped talking
Yeah, I think a lot of us have been there before. That’s how I used to feel about my fiance.
I initiated the break up with her because she was pressuring me into marriage and she had three children. I was only 22, I was just a kid at the time!
Sorry if I’m derailing your thread, @anon2818416 .
No not at all thanks for sharing your experience!
Well, we had originally gotten together because he had sz as well, and it was really nice being with someone who understood the struggle.
Originally he had said that he needed some time/space because of his mental health, and that was why we weren’t seeing each other.
Then it turned out that he was actually seeing other people behind my back and that was why he didn’t have time for me
Honestly, I deserve much better. I’m pretty awesome, and I deserve someone who loves me as much as I love them
Yes!!! You do!! Great attitude!
You welcome.
Maybe if you have the funds take a little trip to a Wal-Mart type store and buy some cute shirts and some joggers for Fall.
Just a suggestion. Some retail therapy to get ya out of the house for a little while.
I went online and bought some DnD stuff hahaha
Did you know that you can get custom miniatures made?? Sooooo cool!!!