Words You'll Never Hear a Guy Say

“This champagne is tickling my nose!”


I remember a few years back i was taking a nap when my wife came into the house and told me she had been in a very “minor bump” with the car.

So I continued napping and when I woke up to check the car, the front headlight was missing and the hood was so dented in that i couldn’t even open it!

MINOR BUMP!!! Jeez!! Kinda funny in hindsight, though. :smile:

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The correct word is stupid. If you’re going to insult us do it correctly.

I was being sarcastic.

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Oops. My bad :hugs:

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If that had happened to me I would have walked in and said,”You know I really really love you right?”

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That’s what my mom used to call me when people told her she couldn’t drink while she was pregnant.


I’m sorry to hear that, @anon9798425.

My wife didn’t drink or smoke while pregnant…not even one coffee for 9 months! I was very proud of her!

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I was just kidding. She didn’t know she was pregnant because I was a very sneaky fetus.


Oh, phew! I thought you were being serious there for a sec!

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Omfg is that a picture of you or me?


The genitals are hidden, so that’s anyone’s guess. At least until someone asks it if it wants to have sex or has a headache.


I think it’s Mike Reno…the lead singer for Loverboy as a baby.

I wish my butt was that small

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I don’t know, loke. If you put your thumb over the fetus it looks more like a fat man than a pregnant woman. I bet your butt is fine.

Have you ever seen wet watermelon :watermelon: imprint on the side of a public swimming pool? Oh no wait! That was my butt. But thanks. It’s all good

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I love Nora Roberts.


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I have said many thing to a women. I have 9 sister. So can you please remove your shoe from my …i know woman never get the thanks they deserve.but come on. Give some back.


thank you @anon9798425

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