Word salad

For those of the diagnosed what is it like to have word salad or is there another name? I never was able to express my connections

Moved to DX’d - Other

In my high school psychology class I heard the nickname Schizophrenic Souffle.

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Salad rhymes with sarad. Very funny hahaha :rolling_eyes:

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I think my Psychologist called it :“loose associations” - I’ve had a terrible time with it for almost all of my illness - finding wrong meaning in what I was hearing. Not sure if that is what you are talking about or are you talking about when I start speaking nonsensically - for the most part I can keep quite. Or are you talking about when I am trying to say something so profound that has such a deep meaning that I am giving the keys to the kingdom to my fellow man.

It happened to me during one of my classes at school :confused: needless to say I got made fun of but couldn’t diss them back as it came out all over the place.

I think my bush’s name maybe George, or I know my shrub isn’t my pubic hair, refer to a thread I posted earlier -lol