When psychotic apparently I had word salad for a few weeks.
However, I thought I was conversing with people and saying the right things
This seems strange to me that reality to me felt like I was having a perfectly normal conversation, but yet the doctors couldn’t understand a word I was saying
Just wondered if anyone here had something similar, and felt they were talking properly and getting appropriate responses from recipient, yet being way off base.
I don’t understand this specific symptom and how you c an even comprehend this even being possible?
But we as a collection of people experience what I believe to be a superior plain of existence
These doctors view it as disorder, but I think there is more to it than that
Maybe I have taken too many magic mushrooms and LSD, but I would implore everyone to closely analyse the reality they may or may not have found themselves in, and whether it was faulty brain mechanics or chemistry, or whether we have torn the fabric of space and time with our energy and have been lifted out of this cess pit.
That’s all fine and well, but it doesn’t bring anybody anything except yourself — it’s grandeur
Only you feel the high or see the high
That’s not normal
You could argue that maybe you are special or have an ability but that creates more problems than it does otherwise as far as I can see
Trust, schizophrenia or psychosis is not a healthy phenomena in any shape or form, as soon as you think it is. You are creating or allowing for the creation of a mental cage
You’re not stupid, because your use of vocabulary is suggesting so, but get yourself together - you’re entertaining concepts you aren’t trained in… you’ve never written that you were a theoretical physicist for example
On that basis, trust your dr. More often than not, he wants you to be happier
It just still makes me speechless that a phenomena like this can occur, yet you’re somehow interacting with the world in a perfectly normal way according to your senses.
Seems incredibly bizarre
I only really had this experience sink in when I found the letter concerning my hospitalisation, where it went into a lot of detail about this.
Either what I proclaim is the case, or in fact, my memory is so far distorted that it’s fictitious?
Agreed. Word salad isn’t a higher reality, it’s a break in function.
My last trip to the psych ward had a poor lady that spoke word salad. She repeated herself a lot. You could get maybe one or two correct replies, then it was all nonsense.
I really felt for her because she was so friendly and sweet, trying to engage others. But no one would sit with her except me and one other lady.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s fictitious, there’s a just a jadedness to the way it is being held, managed and recalled — one way in which it is actually for the most part as far as we are aware ; completely out of your control hence it’s an illness or disorder
I’ve had experiences where I thought I was functioning normally but in turn, others saw me as abnormal or my behavior abnormal. Both verbally and visually.
I had word salad after one bad concussion and also after the strokes. Especially after the strokes. Worst part was that it sounded right in my head. “Please put the frying pan back in the cupboard” would come out as “peace out my anus tab feather the vacuum.” And I had NO idea I had just said that. Not so much with the SZ, but certainly for other health issues.