People are constantly asking me why I’m upset when I’m not. I guess my default facial expression is that of pissy. How do I go about changing my face? I would like to come off more approachable.
Lol I have that too… I guess when I fall in love it may go…
I swear sometimes people at the checkout lanes at stores would ask me how I was doing, and I would say good. Then they would respond with, well you dont look like it. I felt like saying then why did you ask me how I was doing in the first place.
Don’t change a thing, just change how you respond to them.
Say “oh sorry I’ve just been constipated and uncomfortable.”
If your management asks if you need to go to the bathroom, you tell them its your go to excuse if people ask about your expression.
The bigger a joke to you it is, the better it will work.
I try and smile a lot more even if your just doing not much. I always had people say I looked worried all the time. I get less of it now and I seem a bit happier most times.
I’ll have to watch that after my ex goes to bed, he’s got the tv on right now and I can’t hear my puter.
Since wearing a mask when out in public I find it to be less of a problem. One good thing from covid I suppose.
So I should look at it as a gift actually. My resting bitchface lol I love it.
Lately, people at work have been asking me how I am. It’s just been the last couple weeks. After the third person asked me today I told him, “I’m fine but if people keep asking me that I’m going to start to worry.”
I think I just look tired and harried.
In group the facilitator has called me out a couple of times for having up tight looks on my face. It’s embarrassing. I never know what to say. I feel like saying the only thing wrong with me is that you keep calling attention to me in front of all these people and I wish you would knock it the ef off. But I just smile and say I was reading ahead or some other excuse.
I’ve had this in the past when people would literally come up to me and say smile …
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