When finding time to fit in a workout is so difficult, many people think that when you do manage to get to the gym, if you’re not a shaking, sweaty, out-of-breath wreck who can barely walk upstairs when you leave, it wasn’t worth it.
But according to a top trainer, pushing our bodies to the extreme isn’t actually benefiting us at all.
Firas Zahabi, the head coach at mixed martial arts training centre Tristar Gym in Quebec, Canada, believes we should be focussing on consistency rather than intensity.
I wrote to Tristar gym when I was in psychosis last year…My 1st psychosis included George St Pierre…quite traumatizing. They actually answered me then they realized I was crazy…
When I strength train, I do each set until I can’t get another complete rep. But if I’m sick or my sleep is way off for days at a time, I skip. I only do a few sets per workout, too.
I miss it, but first I was sick and now I’m sleep deprived.
High Intensity is effective and safe, just don’t mix it with high frequency and lots of sets.
Yea i can agree save some energy for the next day. I use to walk 12 miles a day but it wasn’t doing anything after a while. Now i Just walk 3.5 to 4 depending on how i feel. So far i was losing and then gaining and now im not sure. I just wish i could skateboard again but i had to
stop for numerous reasons.
What are your goals? You put out an article that failed to state what you’re looking for, weight loss, muscle growth or strength…all different workouts depending on what you are looking for…
Understood you have that right to post that particular view which is accepted in cirtuain situations. Sorry I thought you were wanting to change not that I know your current health…sorry for my misperception