Why would she?

When I was out of the house with my husband and my dog, a lady came running up to us and gave us a tennis ball for my 10 pound dog. I think there was a listening device in it, so I threw it out. Why else would a total stranger go out of their way to do that?

One day a security guy of a supermarket
came out and gave me a red candy.
“It’s nice”, he said.
It was as in the scene of matrix with
the red pill. I accepted it but didnt take it
with me. I left it there.

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Probably just to be nice. It’s not very practical to put a listening device in a dog’s toy, something which is going to be thrown away from the target, bitten up by a dog, and really what are they hoping to listen to, a lot of “good doggos”?


I totally get that @Om_Sadasiva. I think you did the right thing

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That’s true @fractaled. I still can’t shake it though

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I understand that. I found a hearing aid in a hotel, right under the nightstand once at the beginning of my psychosis. Thought they were listening to me. Still do actually.


It’s an awful feeling, isn’t it?


Yes. It used to be worse. Now I’m all, if they want to listen to my being a stupid little btch all day every day, let em.


Lol. I’m not there yet. I want them to leave me alone


If they put a listening device in my house they’d be bored out of their minds. They’d maybe hear the washer running and Dr Phil on the television. Boring


I’m boring too, but yet they never leave me alone


I doubt the tennis ball is anything.

With that said, we are definitely interesting. I don’t think anybody fully understands schizophrenia. It follows that they could be following us.

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So you think they’re studying me because of my diagnosis?

I doubt they’re studying you. I’m sure they’re studying me.:joy:

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I will say I believe you.


You are just making things worse.


Don’t worry about the tennis ball.

That was weird of her to give you, but if you threw it away you have nothing to worry about.

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I used to throw lots of stuff while psychotic. I thought they were infected with a radioactive poison. Actually I threw 5000$ worth of electronics including my pc and 4K screen back in 2016. I had stopped my meds for 2yrs. No more positive symptoms or paranoia since being on meds.


I even tried healing myself from radioactivity poisoning by taking lots of activated charcoal pills.


Anyways those balls dont have a tracking device but if throwing them makes you feel better so be it.


Someone who I knew gave me a crystal once. I thought it was cursed so I threw it out