Why would she?

I did something similar. I took activated charcoal to get toxins out of my system because I was obsessed with not getting older and not using anything toxic


Same here I threw out lots of cosmetic because I believed they were toxic to my health. But that was just because I was reading up about toxins in cosmetics


I took activated charcoal after thinking someone poisoned the meth they gave me. Then someone else almost died after shooting the same stuff up.

I keep activated charcoal on me all the time now.

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My voices try to convince me that I have a full on soap opera love triangle happening in my life. My reality is pretty boring though, as you said.

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This may be off topic but I appreciate your honesty about the horrors of meth. I keep seeing this bumper sticker that says “Nornalize Sobriety.” It has me rethinking my own addictions.

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I definitely don’t stand for sobriety. I honestly can’t recall a day I did not use something, unless I think back to my teens. Sobriety is often mistaken for days with coffee, prescription meds, over the counter meds, cigarettes… Most people aren’t as sober as they claim. It’s just a claim to self righteousness I can’t and won’t stand for.

It’s easy to claim meth is bad, street drugs usually are. Mostly because of how they’re made, without regulation and oversight. It’s easy to make bad drugs when you don’t have access to the best ingredients, and have to use bad substitutions. The difference between prescribed amphetamines and the ones found on the streets is the true horror. It’s night and day. But it doesn’t matter, because meth is bad mkay. It’s not, in regulated form. Not at all.

Psychosis and meth was nothing short of an adventure. There were plenty of horrible aspects. And eventually I gave up meth twice now. I’m still disappointed relapsing didn’t work for me.

I didn’t mean to sound judgmental and yes I mean I am drinking a Starbucks right now at 3:24pm. I wish you well where you are at @fractaled.


I once thought my blood was poisoned and bought a bunch of needles to extract my blood. Fortunately I had no idea what I was doing and ended up just making marks all over my wrists. I tried to give plasma a short time later and was refused for “risky behavior”. They saw the marks on my wrists and assumed I was doing illegal drugs. I am still banned from giving plasma at that place as far as I know because I went back a like 6 months later and they still had it on my record.

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It sounds like she was being a bit overly enthusiastic but basically just trying to give you a gift for your dog.

Edited out my other point as it might have been needlessly triggering

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Wow thats dangerous.

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It was how zealous she was that tipped me off. My husband and I had just come into a hotel from outside (power was out several days) and she ran into the building to give me the ball and then went back outside and left. It was very weird

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