Why have they still not changed the advertising?

Can’t they tell it does absolutely no one good for every fashion model to be super slim and super pretty.

I wish for a day when fashion models are more representative of a real slice of society.

So that us ppl do not feel psychologically strange


I feel sorry for young girls being brainwashed by the fashion industry. Those girls look like they are starving.

And if it’s not the fashion industry it’s the beauty industry, botox, fillers, breast implants etc.

Also young boys are told they need 6 pack abs in order to be attractive. I mean come-on, nobody looks that way- if you are not living on lettuce and anabolic steroids that is.


Yeah these advertisings encourage unhelpful obsessive lifestyle habits.

I wish ppl could just chill and feel they are good just as they are, myself included.

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All they care about is if it is good for sales. I’m guessing it is.



I just wish I was a little more healthy. That I exercised at least twice a week. And that I could lose some weight. I’ve gained some weight on olanzapine.

I’ve seen your pics. There’s nothing wrong about you! I think you can chill! :wink:

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Well u could consider gently pushing yourself to take baby steps in that direction. But keep in mind, if it’s not possible, then that’s OK. Most important is u do wat u can and dats wat matters, not wat u can’t do


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Probably cause companies make money off our insecurities.


This beauty standards has made me really freaked out about lines and wrinkles,

Yeah they make good money that’s true.

But would that really change if the models looked more average?

Afterall we all like to wear clothes.

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That is true but I think people spend more money when they feel more insecure you know what I mean? Like if a person doesn’t feel attractive they’ll buy expensive clothes etc. if your confident in yourself and don’t feel those models are better you’ll be fine in your normal clothes and skin.

I think the solution is avoiding advertisements. I think sites like this, and messenger and stuff are good for socializing cause there’s no ads. But Instagram for example I feel is riddled with videos that make ppl feel bad. YouTube I feel is toxic too.

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You’ll be glad you’re not me then.



I’m trying to become more accepting of things such as that, on myself.

I think when I start the counselling and therapy they will ground me again.

I’m brainwashed atm it’s a sickness.

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:100: I agree with all of what you said here I’ve seen very few people with 6 pack abs even at a gym and woman get the worst of it they get sucked into anorexia and other stuff it’s terrible they should try to work on body positivity but looks sell more than positivity


I have a one pack :wink:


I look 6 months pregnant.

At least I’m not actually pregnant.

Because I don’t know if I want kids and have not got any savings :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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