As I read through different forums most seem way to exactly like what everyone wants me to think is going on. Even the delusions are exactly the same as mine and the way they explain is exactly what I am wanting to post down to they the most descriptive details.I feel like this website is made to make me think I’m sz and everyone well mostly are payed participants in what ever skeem you guys are trying to pull on me. My whole family goes along with it , every body I know has lied to me to try and cover for what ever organization you guys represent. I been dealing with this for about 7 years now and have come to this conclusion, I WIN HAHA, that doesn’t mean you have to lose though (win win) ya know!
Hello and welcome to our forum. If you relate to the messages here, then I hope you enjoy our community.
I am one of the moderators and I can help you with things, as can our other mods @anon4362788 @anon9798425 @rogueone.
I really wish I got paid for this. That would be neat. But alas, I came to and all I got was this lousy t shirt.
I would love to get paid for working here. But sorry, us mods are unpaid volunteers. Members are just people that experience some sort if psychosis, are sz or sza.
Schizophrenic delusions are pretty formulaic. Is it far fetched to believe there are literally millions of us out there experiencing roughly the same breakdown pattern? Why does it have to be all about you.
Accorsing to a study I read, delusions and hallucinations tend to be similar depending on the culture you grew up in. People raised in religious homes tend to have religous delusions, people in western countries tend to have delusions that the government is spying on them or that they are being stalked/targeted. People in eastern cultures tend to believe they are getting messages of guidance from ancestors.
So true! My mom is super religious and most of my delusions were about sainthood or evil spirits (or any spirits) interfering with me.
Its just a word, call yourself whatever you want to. It just means somebody slapped a crazy dx on you at one time. I accept everybody as normal.
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