People find this forum…knowing that it’s for Schizophrenics, which makes you think they have at least some inkling that they might have Sz or some related illness, diagnosed or not, and then these same people go on about these delusions that they are having and claim that nothing is wrong with them. All their experiences/beliefs are real and it has nothing to do with Sz. It’s just bizarre and does not seem to make sense. I mean…you came to this forum right? Maybe you have some psychosis issues? I guess it’s just speaks to how powerful psychosis is and how hard it is to break someone out of it when medication isn’t doing the trick. Anyway…just an observation.
I know exactly what you mean, it’s really weird. It’s like fine then, go away, right?
well i assume you’re talking about people like me that believe in their delusions or think they’re not delusional about certain things. i’ve been coming here for years and so far i’m still here…
some people lack insight while others have a severe case of schizophrenia. Sometimes, there’s more than meets the eye.
i think i was messed with in college but then i don’t know what’s going on with me.
i can’t really go to the police to get ‘help’. i already told my loved ones and everyone. wrote notes, letters, posts/made a record. I regret some of what I did — the posts, but it was out of necessity. i opened myself up on the internet and feel like i put myself out there and have fears about being in danger.
they say love your neighbor, right in the bible? I try doing that despite the paranoia and delusions that the neighbors are talking about me and hate me because i’m lazy and smoke cigarettes.
i think the energy drinks are making my condition and symptoms worse. only i can tell and my family and doctors think so.
remember this is online forum so people can ■■■■■■■■ their way on here and make ■■■■ up. i try to be honest. i don’t lie. but i may be wrong about certain things/stuff. my mind is broken.
They either tend to be looking for validation or followers. Very normal.
i just started to come here when i was getting better and i realized they were right about having sz. So sometimes i still have moments where i can’t believe it but deep inside i know they are right.
Excellent, I think.
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