Why do you think people with sz don't have any time for bs

I think we deal with rock bottom so much that all we can be is real. I think it’s a positive aspect of sz.


Yes. I agree. 1515161515


What are the numbers? I see everyone using them. @Om_Sadasiva

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When post is under 15 characters it can’t be posted so we add some random numbers

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That’s how I feel, it’s like I tolerate so much sht internally I just have absolutely no patience for external sht anymore.

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in my small family, we have 3 disabilities

I’ve seen so much ■■■■ with the way people treat us

just sick of it


It can be bad, your right. People can be really judgemental. I used to get mad because I was trying so hard to get along with people but because of this disability I was perceived as being intolerable to people. @Daze

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