This forum is a relaxing place

Really. I am here for not the longest time,

But I feel quite relaxed here.

Just wanted to say thanks to people I already know here :slight_smile:

I had some very calming moments, when people shared the similar experiences, and not only the good ones. Felt not so alienated,

Some people here made me think more positively about my own life.

I like sharing my everyday life here, also.


I feel similarly. I agree! :blush: :coffee: @anon8411913

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I believe most of us find this place very relieving during those harsh moments in life :coffee: :smiling_face:


Yeah it’s relaxing and therapeutic having people who actually understand it’s rare to find people with sz/sza in the real world and a lot of people here are amazing people


Indeed… in real life I’ve known only several cases of people with SZ,
And most of them were met in hospitals.

And yep people here are great

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Yes we love you too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses::sunny::upside_down_face:

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I just recently embraced this place and I have to honestly say it is the nicest bunch of people. Very supportive and so great to identify. I didn’t know I needed it even though I was aware of it during my diagnosis several years before.

Glad you feel welcome and at home @anon8411913


Biggest hugs :hugs::heart::star_struck::pray:

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Glad that we here are creating very supportive environment here!

Even though I am busy with studies I came here to simply feel better and as I mentioned… even relax :slight_smile:

Yeeah it’s a good place for acceptance


Aw thanks that was a good hug. Hehe.

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Haha :)) glad you felt that :smiley: :heart:

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You feel like a younger sister to me

Or a younger version of me. Idk why.

We are actually quite different but somehow I get that feeling

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Thats a very interesting thought :slight_smile:

I also feel like we’re quite different but also similar somehow ^^

Again big hugs :hugs::heart:

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