Sz recognized or not?

Do you feel normal people can tell you have a illness without letting them know or not, pros and cons of your experience if you don’t mind sharing?

What about you? How do you feel @Dudenotperfect

Im quite private so don’t generally see many people


Flipped it around back to me, good one… I think people know something is up, from the anxiety I feel around some people… some people don’t care, while the others are skeptical! Does that seem to resonate, I feel my own company or those I trust are the ones I listen to or gain wisdom from, not everyone is well equipped to handle something different.

In a NAS song he goes “people fear what they don’t understand, hate what they can’t conquer, it’s just the theory of man”.

I think we are in early days for mh…


Yes i think your right unfortunately. I just keep people at arms length apart from my husband who knows me extremely well and looks out for me. I don’t speak to anyone else on a daily basis. I rarely ring my family these days

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Yeah, fair enough @anon29983254 . I’m on the lookout for friends these days, got a bunch of people that I’m talking to but it all depends on how we click. I’m with family these days but looking for work, etc!

Are you up to much today…?

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Given enough time I’d say that most people could tell I’m a bit different/odd rather than I’m sz.


Yeah true @firemonkey weird/different/strange. I am mildly

They definitely don’t know… I am stable for almost 6 years and no one even said that I am different or ill.

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Yes, people have told me they thought I had mental illness in the ward.

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I think with me it’s more to do with my gait and mannerisms rather than any DSM/ICD schizophrenia symptoms. There was no dramatic before being a person with serious mental illness-after becoming a person with serious mental illness. My daughter has voiced the opinion that the serious mental illness developed from the stress of being an undiagnosed autistic person. The bullying I was subjected to.

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I’m sure people can pick up on the fact that I get anxious sometimes, but I doubt most people would jump to the conclusion that I have severe struggles.


Just been for a walk with hubby local. Weather’s warm and nice. Enjoy your day!

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I don’t speak to anyone except a couple of friends and my case worker.

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I dont come off as sz at all i think. Unless its during a psychotic episode. Then its quite obvious. Constant delusions and hallucinations and paranoia. But luckily i havent had an episode for years now.
I like to be well dressed and upkeep my hygiene. So that helps too with appearing sane.

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i talk to myself a whole lot and that’s a dead give away of some MI


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