If I can’t refer to myself as ‘crazy’ I consider this site too censored. Please delete my account, and I will no longer post here. Thanks.
I think you are over reactiing. Me, I’m crazy, but I’m no longer insane.
well, it’s pain in the ass when you try to offer advice and get shot down by people saying im not sz (huh how the hell do they know) and i can’t say i’m crazy
jeez maybe you’re right. i remember 77nick saying once ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ good advice
i’m going offline,
Eh, don’t worry about it. Apparently I’m not SZ enough or my doctor overestimated how ill I was or I’m just lucky. Whatever. Just focus on putting as much AWESOME as you can into your day and ignore the naysayers and the distractions.
My fiancé says I may be insane, but I’m not crazy. His mother is the crazy one.
Look dude no offense but you come into someone’s thread who is sharing about their own struggles, and you make passive-aggressive comments implying that the person just isn’t trying hard enough or doesn’t really want to be better.
In case you already forgot:
So here you’re passive-aggressively implying that they are wasting time complaining and making excuses instead of being able to magically fix their cognitive impairment.
No dude you are just lucky. You did not choose to recover from brain damage. That’s now how it works. Holy ■■■■.
Followed up by another passive-aggressive implication that the person isn’t making an efforts. I guess based on your arrogant and delusional belief that you just willed your way through remarkable cognitive recovery.
First time I ever butted heads with you, you told me you were autistic and that that’s why it happens sometimes. So I’ll ago ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn’t realize how awful you were being up in that thread. But, you were.
Sorry, I’m a little confused. This seems off-topic for the current thread(?).
…or maybe Pixel has worked hard to turn his life around, and is just trying to encourage others to do the same.
Turnip im not sure why your post appeared on my phone but you aint quoting
+Sent from mobile+
Not me sweetheart. Going to zzzzz
+Sent from mobile+
Whenever you start a thread, you’ll get a notification when someone replies in it…regardless of whether the comment was directed at you or not.
The way i see it Pixel is just a strong believer in hard work. And not waiting around to let someone hold your hand to get whatever it is improved or done. And doesn’t like to hear people complain about with their situation without working hard in any way possible to improve.
. I think in similar ways. It’s the problem solving mind.
I’ve improved from my own situation. It sure ain’t perfect but it’s definitely an improvement
Hang around for a while, @Prospero. You’re a welcome addition to the forum!
Actually, it is. I was high-functioning and then within a matter of months I wasn’t after the SZ knocked me on my arse. I figured that something in my noodle had broken. I made a point of learning about the cognitive rehabilitation that stroke victims do to recover from brain injury and started working on my own form of it. Lots of setting and achieving goals over the years. It’s worked out well.
And as an FYI, my efforts have attracted attention from local psychiatrists who figure I may actually be onto something. I can also tell you from over two decades in 12 Step programs that I’ve yet to see a person achieve any sort of recovery who hasn’t committed to it completely. And I’m not just talking about AA.
I don’t particularly care if you agree with me or not, but I’m sticking with my opinion since I not only think it’s valid, I’ve managed to convince trained medical doctors it is as well.
Edit: I should point out that the docs all figure that starting out within a couple of years of being DXed is critical. Same with dealing with psychosis. After a while it looks like people pass the point where whatever damage occurs becomes permanent. I haven’t been able to recover all of my function or shake all of my symptoms, but I’ve come a long way from being the drooling lump in the corner.
Doh my bad, new to the forum and still learning the ropes…