Why do you people take drugs?

This is an honest question. My sibling keeps on taking drugs and becoming psychotic. We have told them a million times that it will make their symptoms worse but don’t listen.
They also have depression.
Will psychotherapy work? Idk what do anymore

Self medication is common in society just like it is in mental health communities.

It’s not a good thing and some of the drugs these days are pretty severe in what they can do to you. Even pot can cause psychosis and individuals with sz it often makes things worse.

Depends on the drugs and access but sometimes rehab is used. It should be under medical supervision and their doctors should know these things. I know for new clients over here my shrink does mandatory blood tests.


Check out the family and caregiver forum.


“You people”?? Wow, glad you’re not being bigoted or offensive.

If I remember correctly, @Redliner is diagnosed with sz and also has a sibling who is diagnosed with sz.

Sorry I think i just wanted to say ‘people’ but I accidently typed you somehow. Sorry that was by mistake

Sorry again, i didn’t check my sentences before typing. So i must have accidentally clicked ‘you’ in auto correct suggestions

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Maybe you should recommend that your sibling attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings. In case you didn’t know already, Narcotics Anonymous is a twelve step program like AA. But your sibling has to want to quit before anyone can help him or her.

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Thanks for this :slight_smile:


if the person who is using does not want to seek help for themselves then its like kicking a dead horse. nothing good will come from it. but like someone else said its usually for self medicating. i know some people who drink alot to drown out the voices as well as also for the side effects of medication or the discomfort and or pain caused from their mental illness

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