Drugs and Alcohol Question

It seems like every bipolar or sz ive spoken to have abused drugs and alcohol at some point in their lives. I was curious if any of you developed sz despite never having used either drugs (other than stuff like advil) or alcohol? Or did any of you develope sz bad enough so that you were dx’d before you ever used drugs or alcohol?

There are a few straight edge folk who got developed psychosis more naturally.

I don’t really think alcohol has any connection with it. Perhaps with BP.

I think marijuana is the worst culprit.

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When I first became I’ll I was only having a beer a day with my evening meal (very extravagant as a student)!

But I’ve never knowingly taken drugs as in elicit substances.

I think I got it from extreme stress, insomnia and anxiety!

I was drinking alcohol, and using some prescription pain killers once in a while to feel good.

I dont think alcohol causes scizophrenia, look at how many poeple on this site who drink.

What about self medicating, would poeple on this site still use drugs and alcohol like they do if they did not have symptoms?

A lot of poeple say weed makes them have symptoms, but some say weed makes them feel good and better.

I have finally found good times in life without the downside of coming off my alcohol and feeling worse.

Many poeple on this site post about alcohol or drugs like it makes them feel better more talkative and social on this site or somthing.

I think the guidelines say not to post on this site if you are using drugs or alcohol.

I’ve never used drugs but I did drink an occasional beer. But my parents smoked a lot of pot around me. My dad has drank and did drugs since he was very young.we both have sza. But my aunt has never drank or done drugs has sz.

my diagnosis date is 2006 and i never used drugs or drank until 2008

but i can’t say i had a psychotic episode until 2010

who knows where id be without drugs

there was certainly something wrong with me i was self-medicating.