Why Do People With Schizophrenia Die Prematurely

Start by giving up those cigarettes folks.

The most common causes of death were cardiovascular disease, cancer (particularly lung cancer), diabetes, influenza, accidental deaths, and suicides. The large majority of deaths (almost 55,750) resulted from natural causes. However, the rates of death from suicide and accidents were also substantially elevated.

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I’ve given up smoking, given up drugs, I drink in moderation, I’m not over-medicated, my weight is healthy and I try not to get too stressed. Here’s hoping I don’t get run over by a bus. :smirk:


Nice going @anon9798425 on living healthy. I’m working towards that myself.

Thanks! :slight_smile:
Establish one habit before you get started on the next. Reward yourself for doing the right thing. Good luck! :blush:


We’ll have given up smoking (although I still vape). Weight loss is my next ambition.


I don’t smoke I chew Nicorette. I also don’t drink anymore because when I do I get suicidal.


Right now suicide seems like the biggest risk for me. Not that I feel like doing it. Even when I made an attempt a couple of years ago I didn’t feel like doing it. I was so psychotic that I thought I was helping people. So as bad as meds are I know I have to stay on them.


Cool i’ll keep smoking then to end it faster.


I know that I have an accelerated heart rate from being on Clozapine. My heart beats around 100 beats per minute all the time.

I talked to my doctor about it and she got me an echocardiogram and a holter monitor. Both turned out normal, so I can still take my meds. She said my heart is working fine, it’s just a bit fast.

I still worry about it though. I worry I could be at a higher risk for abnormal heart beats and heart attacks and things like that.


The most common cause of death is death. I coulda’ told you that.

When I get episodes of agitation, honestly, ciggies smell like nectar.

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Seems right… for our fallen brothers and sisters…I have a completely insane great grandma…she turns 99 this year…I’m pretty sure she is Sz I remember she would talk but none was there…and she would see things and ask if I saw them… She seems happy in her own little world…I don’t know if I want to be 99…


I haved live in an assisted living center for the mentally ill for fifteen years, so I have a good sample size to judge from. One glaring characteristic of sz’s that might shorten their lives is the number of sz’s who smoke. Smoking shortens a person’s life span.