Why do i/you want to live independent?

I like to live independent from drugs, alcohol and medication cause i believe my body produces everything i need for my well being. When i have accidents, of course i need medical aid, but only temporary and not permanent. What you think, is that delusional or psychotic ?
I don’t have to, but i feel better after.


I don’t need cigarettes, alcohol or drugs anymore. Just coffee :grinning:

I still need meds for now but hope to lower or go without once I hit forty or something.


I believe that too but some things are permanent

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Sometimes you take too much medication and the body loses the ability to regulate itself. For example respiratory or diabetes medication, is my brain permanently damaged ? Who decides ? I haven’t committed any crimes i am aware of.

I’ll be on medication forever. Not a choice.

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Ignorant. Diabetics need insulin as their body doesn’t produce what they need. I require blood thinners to keep from having more strokes. Many people would commit suicide without their ADs. Just a few examples to start with.


I am happy to learn as staying misinformed and lack knowledge (ignorant) as being sz. Impossible to know everything.

Its not delusional? its a wish to be addiction free…I think many think similar.

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I quit drugs and alcohol some years ago and recently started to take a lower dose of zyprexa and Valium. It’s been a month and I’m doing better. This is going to cause some people to be upset but I think I felt so incredibly bad twenty years ago on a low dose was because I had issues unresolved and repressed sexual energy. I’m taking a Freudian view of things

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