How many of you are off meds?

Hi there,
I was wondering how many of you are without any medication and feeling good and are cured from your mental illness ? It’s been 2 years and half I am on Zyprexa and I hope one day I will be able to live without it (because I think it’s not good for the health to have this kind of medication)

Thank you in advance for your answers !

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Better include off meds for more than a year because that is the mean time to relapse

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Over a quarter century on medications. I relapse every time I try to quit. I’ve accepted that I’m on them for life. The good news is that I function on a super low daily dose now (that I will still relapse without).


7 years on meds. In that time I went from being a homeless drunk to working full time, falling in love, getting married, buying a house, and becoming a parent. I am definitely a lifer on meds.


What dose are you on now? And what med

Don’t worry, newer treatments with less side effects will be available soontm. We just got to have faith in the researchers


I am lucky enough to have a doctor who takes side effects very seriously, and works with me to find the fewest side effects possible.


I honestly think if more doctors were like him, fewer people would be tempted to quit meds.


@Ninjastar that’s impressive. Good on you

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@Cragger I truly believe any of us could do it. You never know what you are capable of when you have the right supports and the ability to believe in yourself.


I’m living off meds and liking it, but each case is different. Even assuming I really have schizophrenia my symptoms are so mild they don’t require medication.


Only the ones who are in severe danger

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The other caveat was “for over a year and still thriving”

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Actually you are not Considering what will happen if you go off

If ideas about the going off meds thing really interest you quite seriously
Please start a thread asking what happened to others when they came off meds
Most here will tell you what happened with lived experience of your ideas
Sorry to be so rough I’m only remembering how bad it was
People talk about it far too lightly


I’m content with my meds. The side effects are worth the reduction in symptoms. I’m a lifer.


i’m on meds and doing ok… i tried to go off meds before when they tapered them off and ended up in the psych ward again so it’s not a good idea for me to go off meds anymore.

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I am happier on meds than off meds. On Abilify I even had less negative symptoms than off meds.


The only reason that I don’t experiment with my meds is that I’m a former alcoholic and that my meds keep me from getting drunk. For me Alcohol is a worse evil than Schizophrenia. I have been on antipsychotics for 27 years and have just lost the 26 pounds I gained from the addition of Qutiapine so that I now have a BMI of 25. That antipsychotics shortens lifespan has to be proven as my mother is 75 years old. Is on meds and has Schizsophrenia just like me.


Im tappering off.
I might have had my last injection, I react badly when it comes to psychiatry and antipsychotics. I honestly feel better without Even in psychosis… Im going in, see you on the other side.


I have been off it twice and both times they took one year to relapse

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