Whenever I feel like I’ve got business to do with someone, whether it’s bringing up something that was said, or in this case dealing with the guy that did my roof, I get wound up.
I start picturing in my head everything going wrong, how someone might mouth me off and what I’m going to do to them if they do. It never goes that way, none of my worst-case scenarios ever come true. And yet I continually do this to myself, even though I know it’s pointless, even stupid on my part.
Maybe because that has been my experience in the past, with insurance companies in particular? Maybe it’s just a bad habit that I had and never noticed until it became more pronounced?
I think doom and gloom thinking is pretty common, even among people who aren’t mentally ill. I’m sorry it’s so hard on you. Try coming up with positives in your life and focus on those things. It’ll be hard, but just try your best
Thanks everyone. @CoCo I am usually pretty good, I do try to think of the things I am grateful for. It could always be so much worse. I’ve got a few good friends, and a sister who loves me. I don’t know that’s not so bad.
It’s When Things become confrontational. I exaggerate them in my mind. I do think I could do better, thanks for the advice of doing that while I’m upset. Might help put things back in perspective before I get started. This is going to take some practice
If you guys happen to remember what advice @77nick77 shared, please drop me a line. I’m always looking for new tools in the kit