Just wondering.
How to be more empathetic.
Just wondering.
How to be more empathetic.
What do you care about Mae?
What about you Beep?
I care about you too! And myself. And being liked. And Art, Liberty, Nature. I care about social issues like abuse, and mental health.
Have you reached a point of not caring about things, or is something on your mind? What is it about not having kids that concerns you?
idk one reason i don’t want kids is because im worried about the future of the planet. and i try to eat more fruits and veggies, so in the next life i don’t evolve to be a cannibal haha.
why do you care about nature?
yea I think it is just because i don’t really know what this planet means to me that is why I don’t know how I care for it?
And also because I have not cared for myself well ever, I guess that makes it hard to know how to care for anything else.
but I have not given up on finding a way to care for myself
i know it is important because it just feels like a drive that I have?
i worry too much about too many things when it comes to having kids…
do you want kids?
does the idea of reincarnation not freak you out?
living in another body
in a world where the future is uncertain?
i gave up on the idea of reincarnation myself
no not really, i think ill wake up from this dream and still be the same person. just younger looking or something. not sure how it works, but im holding out hope i’ll figure out a way to come back from spirit world.
which brings me to one old worry, what if i had kids in a past life? what happened to them? how many kids do i have? it seems like you could just keep having kids one life after another until you finally had enough of the place and went to the afterlife haha.
i also wonder if planets are also reborn not just people.
I think caring about nature is from my childhood, we had lots of pets and for a long time my cat was my best friend. Many of my holidays were walks by rivers and lakes, mountains and fields, so I have some happy memories of that. I also have a sense of awe for nature, and especially thunderstorms. It humbles me.
I’m glad you have a drive to care, we need more compassion in this world. But I’ve noticed you seem to care about other peoples posts and replies so I think you might be underestimating yourself.
I do want kids but I’m not ready yet, and I might never be. My brother has kids and they are precious, but they don’t have an off-switch.
Haha I could be your kid from another life? That’s a weird thought to me. You done ■■■■■■ up! (Jokingly)
That is exactly why we are in our situation today. Certain people don’t care. They only care to have a costly good time, getting depressed and kill themselves and leave environmental damage behind.
I will never have biological kids. I might adopt, someday. But even if I never adopt, I still care about the planet.
I care about plants and animals, not just humans. I am concerned about humans destroying the planet, so I try to do things that help the environment. We’re all connected, all humans, animals, plants, fungi… I want the planet to be in good shape for all current and future beings who inhabit the earth.
lol yea i know right
thanks for noticing my care hehe
but are we connected to the future when we die, and how?
The way things are going I doubt I will have kids but I still care about the planet. I want to enjoy my life and not suffer while I am here. And even though I may not procreate, and pass on my genes, my family members have, and their genes are similar to mine, so it still a continuation of the family line. I may go extinct but at least the family won’t, and I want those descendents to have a livable planet.
I think we’re connected to the future while we’re living, which does carry on after we’re gone. Everything we do has an impact. I believe in the butterfly effect.
but are we connected to the future when we die, and how?
The law of conservation of energy states that energy is never created or destroyed, just changes from one form to another. And Einstein says energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. So the energy that makes up your mind/soul and matter that makes up your body will live on into the future, that is how you are connected to it, whether or not there is an afterlife and you are consciously aware of that future is up for debate and depends on you beliefs.
Everything we do has an impact
i guess i need to learn to care more somehow because right now I am thinking that in the future I will be dead anyway so what does it matter if i am not there to see the impact…i think it is empathy that i need to develop further maybe
It’s a hopeful thought but in terms of our life energy we are just warm meat with a circulatory system that keeps us fresh. There’s no energy that lives on.
Hey @Zoe, got bored and came on to check if you replied. The best way I can describe it is there is not only consequences, but there is indirect consequences. If you do something that affects someone else that doesn’t affect you, well karma is just going to hate that, and if society thinks that indirect consequences are acceptable, you will pay too. If people in last generations thought that way, we would suffer, and anyway, you would have to be void of sympathy to do it anyway. It’s a whole competition vs cooperation thing, and you can do a thought experiment where you write all the utopian future films in one column and all the dystopian futuristic films in another, and the biggest divider will be cooperation vs competition. I think these weighs heavily on you because you are just not wired to be unsympathetic and you get conflicted when you see people do it. Those people are victims of their own behaviour, just as much as the person they are doing it to and the people around them.
@Headspark, you did not take into account entropy, life is anti-entropy, and we all have our own ways of doing it. Its hard to define consciousness, but would it even be important?